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Our programs are transformative in their ability to integrate a wide repertoire of techniques and translate them into practical, personalized solutions.

Our genuine focus on personal growth enables our clients to experience significant transformation, achieve energetic balance, learn how to cultivate inner peace and embrace a nurturing lifestyle.


We provide an innovative approach to advising on human resource team building, recruitment, onboarding, learning, candidate experience, and role management. Thus, the HR department of the company can take advantage of this approach by creating cross-functional, effective, and cohesive workforce teams, leading towards the achievement of common goals.  


The practice of mindfulness consists of being fully aware of what is happening in the present moment, without filters or prejudices of any kind. It is the cultivation of mind and body awareness to learn to live in the here and now.  

One of the main benefits of mindfulness derives from the dispassionate observation of mental processes and provides us with a greater understanding of habitual thought patterns, which is very useful for relieving stress, anxiety, and suffering. Incorporating this practice into our lives will not only bring us serenity but will also prevent us from many ailments and illnesses that the disturbing emotions of modern life trigger.


In the work environment, this practice imprints a broad vision in the way of seeing life that facilitates communication, the mitigation of disagreements, and the opening to a nourishing and enriching cooperation for both the individual and the team. All this leads to improved performance, creativity, and harmony in a work environment that is led towards well-being and success.

Chinese Metaphysics is a wisdom, an ancestral knowledge that integrates science, art, philosophy, and mysticism -among other disciplines-, establishing a methodology based on the principle of yin/yang duality, on the cycle of the 5 elements and on a binary language that gives rise to 64 hexagrams, to provide us with methods through which we can deeply know the Universe and, therefore, the human soul as an expression of it.


In Chinese Astrology, the BaZi Chart is a tool for self-knowledge based on the energetic configuration existing at the time of our birth that will shape our personality, our talents, and the cycles we will go through in our lives. This does not mean that destiny is predetermined as we can be always in charge of our lives, the future is in our hands. However, certain parameters are given to us.


Transformative astrology helps you to connect with your essence and innate potentialities revealed by the birth chart, in a process of self-knowledge and psycho-spiritual evolution. The birth chart is a translation of the vital energy or Chi, which in its own way of existing mutates from Ying to Yang, the two opposing and complementary forces that make up the essence of the universe. 


The birth chart reading gives you clarity and awareness to understand this higher awakening and to be able to undertake the most exciting path of your life, the way back home.


Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition that uses energy forces to harmonize people with their environment. Nowadays, Feng Shui is trendy, but as is often the case with Eastern traditions and knowledge, we Westerners try to “Westernize” it in the way that suits us best. Good Feng Shui doesn't mean you change the color of your wall or have a magic object next to your bed or tie some coins on your door. The underline basic core principle is about QI FLOW, the power of energy flow. Qi - or energy - is the vibrant life force that permeates everything in our lives, everything you can imagine.


According to Feng Shui principles we should live in harmony with our environment, which means going with the qi flow instead of against. Home is a reflection of its inhabitants. Each part of the house represents different aspects of your life. If any space is neglected, cluttered, or unbalanced, then this can be reflected in a certain aspect of the people who live there.


So Feng Shui is of great value to harmonize the energy of our spaces and to know how to use the sectors of the property (both our home and our work or business space) to improve our well-being in all aspects of our lives.


This therapeutic practice that is part of traditional Chinese medicine, which means the art of energy on the 3 levels, body, mind, and spirit. 

Qi Gong resembles a dance. It is a series of linked movements performed with the arms and legs: opening and closing movements, ascending and descending, loops and arabesques. Qi Gong is not a sport. It is rather an anti-sport: there is no spirit of competition, neither with others nor with oneself. Instead of overloading the bodily functions, as sports activities do, it relaxes the movements of the heart and breathing.

Its real goal is not movement, nor what it can bring on the muscular and joint level. The real goal of Qi Gong is energy itself. Its ultimate goal is the concrete perception of the circulation of energy within the body. From this derives its therapeutic activity: with appropriate exercises, energy imbalances can be corrected and, in fact, healing can take place.

 The practice of Qi Gong strengthens health, prevents illness, and slows down aging.


Quantum Alchemy Meditation, based on ancient Chinese knowledge, is like a journey through space-time that allows us to connect with the Source of information/energy and allows us to reshape not only our future but also our past. 


Qi Men Dun Jia is a 3000-year-old technique that, with precise calculation facilitates the direction to the desired goal, accompanied by our actions in the field to be applied, whether in marketing strategies, business decision-making, professional guidance, personal issues 

Speaker at conferences and facilitator in courses, workshops, seminars, and retreats as an expert in various subjects within holistic health, related to personal development and spiritual growth.


You can take a look at the portfolio here on our website. Virginia has a natural talent as a communicator and storyteller. These skills together with her charisma make her talks, workshops, and courses an opportunity to delve into the most diverse topics on personal development and spiritual growth of great interest to both individuals and corporations. She knows how to create a magical environment to enjoy knowledge, and open up to new paradigms while connecting with like-minded people.




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