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Any vision of the universe that fails to shake us is of no value to us, humanity.

“I sense the world might be more dreamlike, metaphorical, and poetic than we currently believe--but just as irrational as sympathetic magic when looked at in a typically scientific way. I wouldn't be surprised if poetry--poetry in the broadest sense, in the sense of a world filled with metaphor, rhyme, and recurring patterns, shapes, and designs--is how the world works. The world isn't logical, it's a song.” David Byrne


The Chinese knew how to decipher that song and interpreted it through numerous codes; energetic code systems to explain the reality of the world, of the universe, to translate into an understandable language the magic of life itself. One of the pillars they elaborated is the I CHING, a kind of Rosetta Stone that deciphers the language of the Universe to make it more easily understandable to us.


Throughout the 20th century, the fathers of the new science, such as Frijof Capra, Gary Zukov, and Isaac Bentov, have dared to show new scientific approaches to make known the similarity between quantum physics and Eastern mysticism. These sensitive and evolved scientific minds have been trying to warn against the irrational behaviour in the world that rational science tries to implant. There is another way to explain reality beyond the classical and obsolete mechanistic approaches and these pioneers have not ignored the ancient wisdom of primitive peoples and their cosmogonic vision: the Earth, the Sun, the galaxy, the Universe, all things everywhere, are alive and intelligent.


This thought about the participation of all creation (even so-called inert objects) in this idea of universal consciousness haunted me from a very early age. I certainly did not dare to share it until I saw that my crazy ideas were backed up by such new scientists who are more sensitive to reality in an unconventional way and offer a much more modern view of the world. So, all we humans need is a little humility and to put aside our ridiculous anthropocentrism to understand that the Universe is alive and is pure intelligence in constant evolution.


Chinese Metaphysics is an ancient wisdom that is around 7.000 years old and provides various methods to deeply understand the Universe and the human soul. It was elaborated by the sages of the Chinese people throughout their history as well as those of other peoples in the area, such as the Vietnamese, Japanese and Koreans, among others. These prodigious minds had a very deep level of wisdom and understanding of reality and were able to transmit and codify it into a comprehensive system applicable to various aspects of life. Thus, it allows us to realise that we are all part of a whole and that we cannot know the reality of life if we do not understand that everything and everyone is connected. These sages were true scientists versed in many different disciplines: astronomy, astrology, philosophy, medicine..., and they bequeathed to us a type of information that we in the West have not been able to compile in an intelligent way for its practical application in life.


Chinese Metaphysics is divided into the so-called "5 Arts" or areas of study that make up Wu Xu: Alchemy of the Immortals, Medicine, Fate, Physiognomy and Divination. But this will be another story I will tell in my next post... ¡Stay tuned!


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